Certified Surgeon
Dr. Nelson Chaves is certified by the Colombian Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgery Society due to his excellent and incredible experience, as well as the results of his medical practice, which his patients are living proof of. The Colombian Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgery Society (or SCCP for its initials in Spanish) is a medical scientific union of highly trained plastic surgeons who are certified by academic programs that are supported by universities in Colombia or abroad.The SCCP ensures that its affiliates, who are recognized surgeons, correctly fulfill their professional duties. As a member of this important organization, Dr. Chaves offers the highest guarantee of excellence due to the fact that SCCP members are carefully selected. The quality of their training is evaluated, as well as the overall aspects of their plastic surgeries, including the reconstructive and aesthetic facets of their procedures. He's also part of the Scientific Societies Association and has worked in the Colombian market for over 50 years.
Medical surgeons who belong to SCCP, like Dr. Nelson Chaves, gain national and international recognition via a certificate that is issued to certify that the specialist is a member of the association. This certificate attests to both the plastic surgeon's aptitude and the commitments to public health that he or she takes on with SCCP, including permanently keeping up to date with the field of aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery by attending and participating in continuing medical education programs, courses, congresses, symposiums, academic conferences, and other related activities that the association deems necessary. Taking this into consideration, we guarantee that you're consulting a fully qualified plastic surgeon with comprehensive academic training.
If you wish to corroborate Dr. Nelson Chaves' membership with the Colombian Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery Society, please click HERE.