Eyebrow Lifts
I use several different techniques to perform eyebrow lifts, as no two fallen eyebrows or eyelids are the same.Eyebrow lifts help enhance the appearance of extra skin on the upper eyelid. This procedure can give patients, and especially women, a more attractive eyebrow shape. As time goes by, our eyebrows tend to descend due to muscles and gravity. This ends up making people look sad or tired. As a certified specialist, my job is to improve the appearance of my patients' eyebrows and eyelids, so they look younger.
Eyebrow Lifts without Plastic Surgery
Every patient is different and not everyone wishes to undergo plastic surgery to get rid of excess facial tissue. I often use Botox, or Botulinum toxin, injections on these patients. This alternative gets good results and my patients are satisfied. The effects of Botox on the face can vary from patient to patient and more sessions will be needed to keep the patient's muscles in place and maintain their youthful look.
It takes about 10 minutes to apply Botox, and I do it at my office.
There is no recovery time for Botox injections.
Tension Threads
I also use Russian threads, also known as tensor threads. This technique has longer-lasting results than Botox. This technique takes a little more time than Botox, but it all depends on the patient's tolerance to discomfort.
Surgical Procedure
An eyebrow lift is a surgical procedure that repositions the eyebrows. Two small incisions are made to even out the eyebrows and make them look appealing. The patient's eyebrows and upper eyelids won't fall back down after my treatment, and their eyes will look flashier. I make incisions behind the patient's receding hair line or scalp, so the small scars from the incisions remain hidden. I also use local anesthesia and sedatives, as this procedure only requires small incisions and can take one to two hours, depending on the corrections I need to make.
Another technique that I use to correct fallen eyebrows includes making an incision on the upper edge of the eyebrow, drying a portion of skin, and then placing it higher up on the patient's face.
Postoperative CareEyebrow lifts have a short recovery. When I finish the procedure, I will place a special bandage on my patient's forehead, which I will remove two days later. Some patients will discomfort, but I can prescribe medication that will alleviate the pain.
Patients must avoid sudden head movements for the first few days after the surgery, especially bending over. Additionally, patients should stop exercising until I tell them that they can start again. When I place stiches on the scalp, I remove them after the surgery.
If the patient follows all my instructions—no matter which procedure is chosen—they will have positive results and a rejuvenated face.